Friday, July 15, 2005

Weird days go by...

THURSDAY – 14/07/05

Hi all, how have you been?
I’ve been alright, but right now I’m very sleepy. Just came backi from my lunch at the park and all that sun made me lazy and sleepy. Aye, Ana mood on! =P

I can’t take my job anymore; it’s really getting on my nerves. Because of that I have huge herpes on my lips due to a lack of body resistance and energy. That’s the easy bit though, since it’ll go away soon. The rest is more complicated and takes more time to go away, like the job itself!!!

I believe that every way of getting to know yourself better is worth learning. Almost 2 years ago I started some self-knowledge courses, or whatever you call it. I’ve studied (and still do – in fact I plan to study this forever!) witchcraft, druidism, Celtic shamanism, astrology, oracles, got to know the powerful animal within me and now I’m into tarot. Everyday I wake up and thank myself for having the great idea of learning all those things. I’m a much better and understanding person than I was 2 years ago.

So today, during my lunch, I’ve decided to play with my tarot set. I played 2 games (the Cross method – which allows me to know ‘yes or no’ answers for my questions). I asked ‘am I going to resign within 9 months?’ and then ‘am I going to find a job in Europe that fulfills me within 9 months?’... I need some help from my teacher, but in both games 2 cards came out: ‘the tower’ and ‘the sun’. The tower is the most feared card of the tarot; it’s the one which brings the most structured things into ruins. The sun is the other way around; it’s the card that reaches goals and realizes all one wants. Now… HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO READ THAT??? =P

EPISODE: Entering the underground parking lot in the morning and literally going into the dark, Masterplan started to play ‘into the light’ on the radio. Am I living something I shouldn’t? Am I doing it all wrong? Cause that’s the message I understood. =P

Ps: Oh, btw!!! Remember the dream about me breast-feeding the 2 babies? Yeah, I’ve been thinking about it and it could mean that I’m feeding 2 new dreams – leaving work and going to Europe. Are dreams also some sort of oracle? =O As far as I know, yes, they are! Hm, maybe that’s what all the sex in my dreams means then – hard work before the dreams come true! ^^=P

PS2: I want to the dedicate this song to Ness, as we’re always talking about our problems and how we handle them, and sometimes it’s just unbearable and all we need to do is wait the right moment to come out of the cave (remember the story, Ness? :) Love ya! :-*)

‘Send me a message in case you understand

Be sincere about it - this is for real
You feel this aversion to life
Fear and loathing - the weight of the world
It will all fade away

Now we climb up to a place - where the beauty is everlasting
Our will as unshakeable as the rock beneath our naked feet
I hardly know you - face to face
On the brink of the grave I won't persuade you

Like the snowflake we will fly
A dying dance - a silent cry
We're at the peak now
Face to face on the brink of the grave
Don't turn around now

To step into the light
Falling down
To step into the light
Falling down

Let the moment arrive with no more tears to cry
The spirit will wave goodbye
And step into the light
To step into the light
Falling down
To step into the light
Falling down’

FRIDAY – 15/07/05

Here I am at work listening to my boss’ albums. Today she thought she could bring all her cds, so we’d stop listening to the radio for a while.

Since she’s a spoilt bitch, she also thought we’re all fans of the kind of music she loves. Okay, I really appreciate Louis Armstrong, I really do! Blues in general is awesome, but let’s agree it’s not the kind of music to listen after 2 huge crèpes for lunch!!!

I’m gonna fall asleep any minute now, and I don’t want a stupid soul annoying me if that happens!!! In fact I get too cranky when I’m sleeping and people wake me up! =P

But it’s a weird day anyway. I woke up at 7:40 (I usually wake up at 6:40 – but the alarm clock never rang!), did all I had to do in a hurry and arrived at work only 10 minutes late! Yep, I was at work by 8:40, so I woke up, had a quick shower, breakfast and drove to work all in one hour!!! That’s definitely my record…

Well, I’m really in a bad and sleepy mood today (although I did have some laugh attacks earlier ^^), so I’ll end this post before I… zzzZzzzzzzZzzzZzzzzZzzzzZzzzZzzzzZzzZzzzZzZzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ *SNORE*


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