Monday, November 29, 2004

The hours don’t pass!!!

NP: Sonata Arctica - Wolf and Raven

The hours don’t pass!!!

Alright! Enough of Portuguese as I talk it all day and I need to train my English, not Portuguese (although both languages suck when spoken by miiiiii :D )

So first day at my new job; I arrived there, and waited. Checked the parking lot and its price, and waited. Entered the office and waited! Met most of the people, and guess???

Read something, took some training, met one client, and waited :P. Had lunch, visited the toilet, tried some computer programs, got some assistance and here I am, waiting…

Bah, I hate to wait! But it’s not bad, really. Everything I did today was cool, and the only thing I have to complain about is that the hours don’t pass and I have to wait until they do. Ah well! I guess I’ll wait a bit more to see if things change ^^.

*whispering* Fine, a little confession to make: I love Jack Nicholson!

Oh, and I went to Nightwish’s gig yesterday! My Gods, what the heck was that? :O
I wanna hug them all, those cute Finnish people! Emppu seems to be such a comfortable little hobbit, although I have a crush on Tuomas (devil person!)

I had in mind to do a t-shirt for that concert that said: ‘I already have a Finnish mobile. If you behave I’ll consider having a Finnish husband as well’, but then they never behave, and Smirnoff can never be a completely good thing :P.
The concert ruled, nevertheless.

‘Grant me a wish, my master
Compassion, please
I'd like to be a human...
maybe one day’

Nightwish! Do you see the 'once' logo at the stage? Ah well, I can see that ^^
Posted by Hello

Sampa at its best (this sky just rules, apart from the mobilecam distortion :P) Posted by Hello

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Backi Backi! :D

Tocando: Viper – Dead Light

Acreditem, eu estou viva!!!

Quero antes de tudo pedir desculpas às pessoas que sempre lêem o blog, e que ultimamente não têm lido... Claro, pq eu não tenho postado.
De qualquer forma, eu vou tentar postar mais freqüentemente.

Bom, vamos às mudanças. Tudo acontecendo de uma forma mega louca, 476296528040 mudanças ao mesmo tempo, inclusive de trabalho.

Sim! Lembram do portfolio e do CV que eu deveria aprontar? Pois é, fizeram efeito (oki, eu só fiz o CV e ainda preciso fazer o portfolio, mas eu tô com tanta sorte que até sem portfolio eu consegui um emprego novo! ^^)

Anyway, o emprego é legal! É longe, mas é legal! Quer dizer, eu espero que seja legal! Bom, se eu deixei a melhor chefa do mundo, é bom mesmo que o emprego novo seja legal! E MUITO! Pelo menos vou ganhar mais ^^.

O fato de mudar de emprego acarreta em outras mudanças, como por exemplo: humor! Estou mega confusa e confusão me faz comer, portanto: sem regime por enquanto E NÃO ME ENCHAM O SACO, P*RRA!

Além de humor, mudei também (ou só parei pra pensar, pois no fundo eu sempre soube como funcionava) a forma de ver os ciclos. Incrível que quando a gente dá a devida importância às coisas, elas se tornam mais facilmente entendíveis. Os ciclos acabam, e os ciclos começam. Uma vez entendido e PERCEBIDO isso, a vida vira festa.

Heeh ^^. Bom, não conto mais nada até saber de todos os detalhes possíveis, mas esperem news ^^.

Se cuidem, e até o próximo post (que pode ser amanhã, ou móóóíto longe :P)

Beijos especiais para as minhas amiguinhas da facú: Juices, Ayla Marson Lopes da Silva Prado (:P), Taroline, Li e Lá (espero rever todas vcs hoje à noite.) Ohhh, e beijos especiais também pro Edu, pra Gica e pra Mimi (foi mega legal almoçar com vcs! Precisamos fazer isso mais vezes. Anyway, amo vcs! :-*)

“I met you in the dark
I brought you to the light
Now there’s a dead light
Burning deep inside of you and me.”

The good and old Archi team ^^

(Juliana, Caroline, Laima, Ana, Ayla and Lilian) Posted by Hello

Now Playing: Viper – Dead Light

Believe me, I am alive!!!

First of all I want to apologize to the people who always read the blog, and that haven't been doing so lately... of course, because I haven't been posting.
Anyway, I'll try to post more often.

Well, let's move on to the changes. Everything's happening in such a crazy way, 476296528040 changes at the same time, including my job.

Yes! Do you remember the portfolio and the CV I should prepare? Yep, they caused a good impact (oki, I've only prepared the CV and I still need to do the portfolio, but I'm so lucky these days that even without the portfolio I got a new job! ^^)

Anyway, the job is cool! It's far from here, but it's cool! I mean, I hope it's cool! Well, if I'm leaving the best boss in the world it better be a kick ass job! REALLY! At least I'll make more money ^^.

Because I'm changing jobs, other changes happen, such as: humour! I'm mega confused and confusion makes me want to eat, so: no diet for now AND DON'T ANNOY ME, F*CK!

Other than humour, I've also changed (or only started to think about it, for I've known this forever) the way I see the cycles. It's amazing that when the true importance is granted to things they become more reasonable. Cycles end, and cycles begin. Once it's understood and NOTICED, life turns into a party.

Heeh ^^. Well, I'll sheesh until I know more details, but do expect some news ^^.

You take care and see you on next post (which can be tomorrow, or veeeeeeery far from today :P)

Especial kisses to my friends from Uni: Juices, Ayla Marson Lopes da Silva Prado (:P), Taroline, Li and Lá (I hope to see you all tonight.) Ohhh, and especial kisses also to Edu, Gica and Mimi (it was really nice to have lunch with you guys! We need to do this more often! Anyway, love you! :-*)

“I met you in the dark
I brought you to the light
Now there’s a dead light
Burning deep inside of you and me.”