Thursday, April 13, 2006

‘Happy Ana’s Favorite Holiday’

NP: Silence...

Uh, I’m bored. I think I need an excitement injection ASAP!
I’ve taken a week or so off from what I was doing to take care of my wisdom tooth. Why do we have wisdom teeth anyway? And I have a really complex doubt: do we gain wisdom when the teeth go away, or does the wisdom go with the teeth? I’m so confused. Actually I think I’m dumb, so maybe the wisdom does go with the teeth. Which sucks! I hate giving pieces of myself for nothing, let alone wisdom I praise so much. I feel sad. =(

I found out recently I suck in English (and German, and Italian, and… Portuguese). Gosh, I hate that. I used to be such a great student, I got the best grades in every course I took of it and now I’m useless. Well, I’m not thaaaat useless, as I think you guys can still understand what I say here, but I was way much better than this, and I miss my Aquarius days. I think I hate a little the fact that I’m now moving into my Taurus days… it means so much in coolness, but it certainly means dumbness and laziness ahead. DOES IT MEAN MORE THAN THIS? Only if I die. *sigh* =/

So this week was supposed to be a kick ass one: full of nothing, full of chocolate and full of countryside… The nothingness is indeed happening! The chocolate is going away as I eat it and the countryside is still far from me. =(

I totally despise change of plans. I’m a Taurean and I can’t accept easily that things are changed. I hate it when people say ‘let’s do this’ and they end up doing that instead. I get cranky! I get annoyed and the entire world should know it by now, as the entire world knows I can’t get over Tuomas. The entire world also knows I want to live in England and every time the entire world meets me they ask ‘hey, how’s it going? Is your Italian passport done yet?’ and I go ‘even you know that???’… Worst thing is that it’s always a ‘no, it’s not done yet’. The seasons are changing and so are my dreams. Soon I’ll want to live in Finland with Tuomas, and not in England anymore. I’m almost done with England by now. =(

So Mike is coming to see me. That’s something to look forward to. Wiwi was here and it kicked ass, and I’m sure it’ll be as cool with Mike. Mike does pull more faces, so I don’t know if I’ll laugh more at his pulling faces or at Wiwi saying ‘’. =P I’m happy, friend wise. My friends are all cool and sweet. But there are some of them with whom I’m totally fed up! They don’t care, they just seem to be around, but they’re actually not, some are too busy and when they need something, they’re not anymore… ya know, the usual bullshit. So I’m choosing well who to talk to lately!

But I’m quite happy to what concerns my foreign friends. I’m even going to make a live memorial on their behalf so we can celebrate our friendship. Some of them I haven’t spoken for ages, and some of them I talk to every day, but they’re all priceless in their own way. =)

I’m just sick of bastardness. But I know what it is. It’s Astral Hell. Hell, yeah, I’ve been expecting it. Thought I could spend a year without it, totally escape from the bitchness of this process and move on with my nice life. All sorts of pain have recently erupted, all sorts of invasions have been happening and all sorts of pledges have been falling apart. I’m so sick of it all.

So to make it a happy post, I’ll just add a ‘Happy Ana’s Favorite Holiday’ to everyone who reads the blog and waits impatiently and anxiously (a lot of people seem to be affected by anxiety nowadays =P) for an update. As one of my ex-bosses daughter used to say: ‘Mom, can we go live in Easter?’, here’s a Happy Easter for you people. No music today, only silence and meditation.


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