Saturday, October 23, 2004


Tocando: Edguy – Theater Of Salvation

Ehhhh, de volta!

Anos depois, mas ainda viva, Ana volta ao blog. Essas 3 semanas passadas foram de acabar com qualquer ser humano (e prateleiras de chocolate em supermercados!). Trabalhei móóóito, dormi móóóito pouco e comi demais! Tudo culpa do stress!

Vamos por partes:
- chefe de férias só acrescenta experiência (mas da um trabalho...);
- maquete é muito divertido de se fazer (mas da um trabalho... ainda mais quando são 2, e quando mudanças demais acontecem no decorrer do trabalho);
- exame médico mostra tudo o que tem de ruim em vc, o que é bastante legal! (mas da um trabalho quando mostra tudo de ruim...);
- ter um lobo ‘de estimação’ é legal (mas sem a devida atenção da um trabalho... :-O)


- trabalhar por 5 dias sem parar e sem dormir e com noticias ruins todo dia é péssimo, mas ter um final de semana de descanso depois de tanto trampo não tem preço! ^^

Acho que a partir de agora as coisas realmente começam a fluir melhor. Não sei bem por que, mas estou sentindo que as grandes mudanças estão começando a acontecer. Só pode ser por conta do ‘ano novo’ no finde que vem. Não vejo a hora de ver as coisas se transformando, ta tudo tão fácil de acontecer! Só falta um dedo mágico no meio ^^.

To contente, beeeeem feliz com esse sábado fresco e de bobeira em frente ao pc. Nada como o sossego pra espantar o mau humor. Anyway, devo dar uma saída pra comer alguma coisa (mesmo com a conta do banco estourada) e jogar conversa fora!

Na verdade esse post ta meio vago demais, mas to tão cansada e de bom humor que nem vou ligar! :D

Beijos especiais pro Thierry, Chris e Ness, que me fizeram rir muito ontem, e um mega especial pro Thom (senti sua falta, gato!)

Hallelujah, hallelujah!- I hear the man in black his
Hallelujah, hallelujah! - He tries to keep me back. No!
Hallelujah, hallelujah! - Lock up the gates to wisdom
Hallelujah, hallelujah! - Too late! I've found the kingdom...
Hallelujah, hallelujah! - I see a band of angels.
Hallelujah, hallelujah! - Freedom calling...’


This is the kind of thing I've been doing this week.

Pretty baby ^^... Posted by Hello


Now Playing: Edguy – Theater Of Salvation

Ehhhh, backi!

Years after, but still alive, Ana returns to the blog. Those past 3 weeks were killer to any human being (and to chocolate shelves in supermarkets as well!). I’ve worked loads, I’ve slept none and I ate way too much! I’ll blame it on the stress!

Let’s go through bits:
- boss on vacation only adds experience (but it’s so much work…);
- models are so much fun to make (but it’s so much work… specially when there are 2 of them and when too many changes happen during the process);
- medical exams show all the bad things in you, which is pretty cool! (but it’s so much work when they show all the bad things in you …);
- having a wolf as a ‘pet’ is cool (but without the required attention it’s so much work… :-O)


- working for 5 days in a row without a good night sleep and with bad news every day is lousy, but having a weekend to rest after all this work is completely priceless! ^^

I think that from now on things will start to get in line. I don’t know exactly why, but I’m feeling that the big changes are starting to happen. It can only be because of the ‘new year’ next weekend. I can’t wait to see things starting to transform; it’s all so easy to happen! There’s only a magic finger missing in it ^^.

I’m glad , veeeeeeery pleased with this cold Saturday in front of my pc. There’s nothing like rest to care the bad mood away. Anyway, I guess I’ll go out for dinner (even with no money on the bank account) and talk nonsense.

In fact this post is a bit too vague, but I’m so tired and in such a good mood that I don’t even care! :D

Special kisses to Thierry, Chris and Ness, who made me laugh a lot yesterday. And a mega special one to Thom (missed ya, gato!)

Hallelujah, hallelujah!- I hear the man in black his
Hallelujah, hallelujah! - He tries to keep me back. No!
Hallelujah, hallelujah! - Lock up the gates to wisdom
Hallelujah, hallelujah! - Too late! I've found the kingdom...
Hallelujah, hallelujah! - I see a band of angels.

Hallelujah, hallelujah! - Freedom calling...’


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WB Manana! ^_^
Lembre-se de que até um pé na bunda te empurra pra frente. (hahaha essa é clássica!)
E adorei a fotinho... nada a ver com as maquetes do meu colegial... hihihihihihihi.

10:04 pm  
Blogger Vanessa said...

Firstly i'ld like to say that even though i may not post comments or things like that please know that i DO read every word that you right. And enjoy it thoroughly.

Secondly it is my pleasure to share laughter with you every time that we do... I thank you for being my friend and allowing me to be apart of your world.


Fourth, great things are always just around the corner waiting to happen. Just be willing to accept them.

Fifth, the model looks great.

Sixth and lastly, i just ate too many lollies and now i feel sick!

Luv Ya!

12:51 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baby... as you know, I've stopped blogging for the time being (I'll be back at Christmas) so I've not been looking at the blogs. So I missed your sweet comment... thank you very much, and big kisses back to you.

There's a long email for you being written right now...


7:39 pm  

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